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Intermarine / Brunswick Developments
New Build
East Sussex

Brighton Marina Yacht Club

Brighton, East Sussex

Independently, the Club had already submitted their own Planning application for the new clubhouse, with a distinctive wavy metal roof which the Planners were now adamant had to be incorporated into the scheme. Although not initially thought to be affordable within the budget, Studio Four worked closely with Intermarine, the Club and the Local Authority to develop a scheme that successfully met their conflicting criteria. The new design was then taken through Planning, Building Regulations and construction detailing to create a 350sqm floating building, one of the largest of its type in the UK..

The building’s final proposed location was not accessible for large material deliveries, so assembly of the pontoon structure and construction of the building had to be carried out at the eastern end of the marina, with the clubhouse then towed to its final location by Shoreham Port tug Adurni. The final manoeuvring of the new clubhouse around the marina’s moored boats, and under the watchful eye of many spectators, was a delicate operation with only 110mm of clearance to the new piles to which it is now securely moored.

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