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Congratulations to Lauren Honey who has passed her Part 3 Exams and is now a registered Architect!

Congratulations to Lauren Honey who has successfully passed her Part 3 RIBA Exams and is now a registered Architect!

Having already completed her RIBA Part I in 2011, Lauren joined the practice in 2016 as a Historic Building Conservation student and went on to complete her MSc the following year.

Not being one to let the grass grow under her feet, she subsequently continued her RIBA Part II and III studies on a part-time basis whilst developing her role as Conservation Specialist within the practice.

“I am so pleased to have finally completed the formal education part of my career” says Lauren. “It’s been extremely challenging to balance studies, work and bringing up my twins, but Studio Four has been incredibly supportive during my studies, helping me overcome all the obstacles. I can now look back on the last 15 years with pride. The experience I have gained through working and studying has given me the confidence and qualifications to apply for registration as a Specialist Conservation Architect in the near future, so I can take on even more complex Conservation projects, which I’m looking forward to with excitement”

Lauren is currently designing and detailing numerous repairs, alterations and extensions to a wide range of listed buildings, as well as preparing more specialist Heritage Statements, Condition Surveys and Repair Schedules. In addition, she has also been undertaking 20+ Quinquennial Inspections across the south for a number of circuits, which is proving a very challenging but rewarding experience.


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